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  • The official language in the campus is English.
  • Students are to be cleaned and tidy in all respects.
  • Any damage done to the school property is to be made good by full payment ot cover the loss.
  • The students are responsible for the safe custody of their personal belongings.
  • Costly articles like gold ornaments, electronic gadgets including cell  phones, money etc. are not be given to the students.
  • Students are not allowed to make any collection without the permission of the Principal.  They are not allowed to give gifts to any member of the staff.
  • Stealing, Physical violence, use of intoxicants etc, are considered grave offences and students indulging in such activities will face immediate suspension or dismissal.
  • Only the parents / Guardians can take the children out of the school. 
  • An authorized person can do so with his / her signature being attested by the parent.
  • The School reserves the right to take decision on emergency medical situations.
  • The names of the students will be struck off the rolls for non – payment of fee or other dues with in the stipulated time. 
  • They will not be permitted to appear for any examinations.
  • Without the explicit permission of the Principal / Warden, students are not allowed to contact outsiders.
  •  When a student is dismissed from the school, he / she is automatically dismissed from the hostel and vice versa.
  • The fees once paid will not be refunded.
  • Full fees will be charged from the student who discontinues or made to discontinue during the course of the academic year.
  • Students should not bring and use medicines on their own.  The medicines are to be kept with the resident nurse.
  • Students are not allowed to use mobile phones in the school campus. If such mobiles is found with any student, it wil

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